Newport tide gauge site

The tide gauge building is located on the West side of the lock entrance to Newport Docks.
Click here to see a map of the site in a separate window.

Tide gauge location

The brick tide gauge building contains the data logging system and a pneumatic bubbler with two full-tide and mid-tide measuring systems.

The tide gauge is levelled to the tide gauge bench mark supported by Ordnance Survey auxiliary marks.

External users

Sea level pressures and/or elevations from this site are supplied to the following authority:

  • Environment Agency Wales / Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd Cymru

Site history

1992 – The DATARING system was installed with two full-tide measuring systems
2001 – New POL data logger installed
2006 – Tide gauge measuring system demolished by collapsing fendering
2007 – Temporary bubbler fitted into the stilling well
2007 – New full- and mid-tide bubblers installed

Latitude51° 33'N
Longitude2° 59.244'W
Grid refST 3163 8392
Earliest data1993
Tidal levels
HAT13.36 m
LAT-0.59 m
MHWS12.14 m
MHWN8.97 m
MLWN3.12 m
MLWS0.51 m
H for 2024 13.22 m
L for 2024 -0.55 m
H for 2025 12.95 m
L for 2025 -0.18 m
MSR11.63 m
MNR5.85 m

HAT – highest astronomical tide
LAT – lowest astronomical tide
MHWS – mean high water springs
MHWN – mean high water neaps
MLWN – mean low water neaps
MLWS – mean low water springs
H – highest for year
L – lowest for year
MSR – mean spring range
MNR – mean neap range

[More about above]