The National Tidal and Sea Level Facility (NTSLF) is the UK’s centre of excellence for sea level monitoring, coastal flood forecasting, and the analysis of sea level extremes. It is the focus for sea level research and for its interpretation into advice for policy makers, planners and coastal engineers.
Tides and storm surges
Tides are the predictable rise and fall of the sea surface as the Earth rotates while the moon’s gravity, as well as the sun’s, pulls on the oceans.
Storm surges are caused by the weather, especially low pressure systems (inverse barometer effect), strong winds and the Earth’s rotation (forcing water towards the coast). Surges are in addition to tides, and computer models can forecast their combined levels alongside weather forecasts.
Interactive map of tide gauge networks
Find tide gauge measurements, tidal predictions and storm surge forecasts. Click the markers for a summary of information for each site.
Map: UK Tide Gauge Network | South Atlantic Network
Latest news
- UK Met Office has adapted NEMO as the Operational Storm Surge Forecast Model. NTSLF will display these outputs from April 2020.
- The highest tides in 18.6 years occurred during 19–30 September 2015 due to the moon’s nodal cycle (video).
- Read about storm surges in December 2013–January 2014.
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