Last update 5 June 2014 ACCLAIM COASTAL SITES - PHASE 1_RADAR ===================================== This directory contains records of sea level measured by radar gauges for which there is no benchmark datum information although, unlike the case of sub-surface pressure (SSP) sensors in Phase 1, their records should be treatable reliably as a time series as their data should not contain an instrumental drift. For file formats, see Site Name Start Date End Date File Name Tristan da Feb-2011 May-2012 tristan_task_feb2011-may2012 (15 minute averages) Cunha tristan_dailies.feb2011-may2012 (daily values) (GLOSS 266) Nov-2012 Jun-2013 tristan_task_nov2012-jun2013 (15 minute averages) tristan_dailies.nov2012-jun2013 (daily values) St. Helena Jan-2011 Dec-2012 sthelena_task_2011-2012 (15 minute averages) (GLOSS 264) sthelena_dailies_2011-2012 (daily values) Jan-2013 Feb-2013 sthelena_task_2013 (15 minute averages) sthelena_dailies_2013 (daily values) SHORT DOCUMENTATION FOR EACH SITE ================================= Station: Tristan da Cunha (GLOSS No. 266) ========================================= Feb2011-May2012 files: This instrument at Tristan consisted of an OTT RLS radar gauge installed February 2011 which ran until May 2012 with a big gap during March-May 2011. After May 2012 there was a big gap until the gauge was replaced by another OTT RLS towards the end of 2012. The record shows big positive spikes which are believed to be due to rain runoff and/or wave setup in the small harbour. Data are in TASK format with sea levels in cm. No datum information available relating the sea levels to benchmarks. Further documentation is available in the PSMSL archive for Tristan. Nov2012-Jun2013 files: This was also an OTT RLS radar gauge but a different instrument to the previous one so they have an unknown offset. File formats as above. Station: St. Helena (GLOSS No. 264) =================================== This instrument at St. Helena consisted of an OTT RLS radar gauge installed at the start of 2011. Data are in TASK format with sea levels in cm. No datum information available relating the sea levels to benchmarks. Further documentation is available in the PSMSL archive for St.Helena.