INFORMATION FOR BODC SERIES REF. NO.    36795                  
		 Sea Floor Pressure Gauge Inventory Number :   6989     
Start Time : 07 Aug 1980 0800 GMT                  Latitude  :  44deg 29.4min N
End Time   : 07 Dec 1980 1800 GMT                  Longitude : 040deg 30.0min W
Nominal Cycle Interval   : 3600.0 secs         Sensor Depth    :   2380.00m    
					Sea Floor Depth :   2380.00m    
Positional Uncertainty   : 0.1 to 0.5 n.miles                                  
Depth Datum              : Instantaneous                                       
Data Category            : Offshore sea floor pressure series                  
Instrument Type          : Tide gauge (unspecified)                            
Instrument Mounting      : Sea floor - fixed                                   
Originator Laboratory    : Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Bidston, UK      
Originator's Identifier  : B2AP0/P.DFH0                                        
Additional information stored with the data:                                   
Instrument samples every hour, 28 seconds before the hour, for 56  seconds. 
Clock  lost  4  seconds  over  123  days  12  hours 0 minutes 4 seconds; no 
correction made.                                                            
Instrument Characteristics                                                  
Station B2                                                                  
Canadian Aanderaa              (BODC Series Ref. 36795)                     
Nominal sampling interval     3600secs                                      
Integration period              56secs                                      
The following additional documents apply to this series:                       
27823; Aanderaa Pressure Recorder Type TG-4A                                  
32428; I.O.S. Data Processing of Off-Shore Pressure Recorder Data